iStock_000018354138SmallMiller Management & Consulting Group is proud to partner with the City Clerks Association of California (CCAC) to present the Master Municipal Clerk and Clerk of the Board Academy (MMCA). Formerly offered by CEPO, the Academy is designed and content is created with the more tenured and experienced municipal, county, and special district Clerk in mind. Attendees take responsibility for their own learning experience by choosing the sessions they want to attend. This year we will offer the same high quality Academy that you have come to know and expect.


The Master Municipal Clerk and Clerk of the Board Academy

Recognizing the importance of ongoing professional development and education, Miller Management & Consulting Group is proud to partner with the City Clerks Association of California (CCAC) to ensure quality training and education for the Government Clerk community through the Master Municipal Clerk and Clerk of the Board Academy (MMCA). The curriculum is diverse in nature and delivery methods are based on adult learning principles, combining various methods of instruction with the experiential learning model for maximum results.


What is the Academy?

The MMCA is designed specifically for those working on attaining the Master Municipal Clerk or Certified Clerk of the Board of Supervisors designation. Courses are designed and content is created with the more tenured and experienced municipal and county clerk in mind. Recognizing that the needs of this customer base are different than those working on their CMC, the Academy is designed with those needs in mind. The content is applicable and value-added for Clerks to the Board of Supervisors (County), Special District clerks, and City and Deputy Clerks. All gather with the common bond of a desire for lifelong learning, as these professionals continue to lead in their respective fields. The content of the sessions in this Academy are designed at an advanced level.


Who should attend the Academy?

While anyone can attend, the Academy was designed specifically for those clerks who have a higher level of experience and knowledge base. It is suggested that those who have already attained the Certified Municipal Clerk designation and are currently working towards the Master Municipal Clerk designation, or those working on attaining the Certified Clerk of the Board designation register for this session. Any clerk outside region IX or those belonging to other state associations are also invited to attend.


For attending all sessions which is a total of 20 instructional hours, you will receive ten (10) points towards your certification. (IIMC approval pending)


University Extension Credits through the University of Riverside at California are also available.