secure-transactionRegistration for this event is currently closed, we look forward to seeing you at our next academy.

One registration price covers all 18 educational hours and all Academy materials. Registration is $540.
The Academy is spread out over a three-month period.

Note: You must complete your level’s intro class and the four common classes to receive a certificate of completion. Please mark your calendars for all five of your classes now.

Curriculum and Course schedule

The in-person Academy offers a unique experience for the first session of each Academy, and this virtual Academy will be no different. If this is your first time attending the MMCA, you will be required to attend the 1st year session; if this is your second time attending, you are required to attend the 2nd year session; and if you have attended three or more times, you are required to attend the Advanced session.

All other sessions are for the entire learning community and full attendance at all of them is required for successful completion. You must complete all 18 hours of session time, fully participate, and complete a Learning Assessment to receive a certificate of completion. No certificates will be issued for partial credit or partial hours. No exceptions.

As with the in-person Academy, sessions being offered include a focus on professional, management and leadership concepts and skills. You will get a little bit of each during your virtual Academy experience. As this is a virtual Academy, there will be no course choice option available (that will resume for the in-person Academy). There may be pre-work requirements for some sessions. See the curriculum section of the website for details on each session.

Special sessions designated for First Year, Second Year and Advanced

Please note, number of times attending the MMCA is based on the in-person Academy and does not include any attendance at the fall 2020 virtual sessions.

1st Year: Taking leadership to the next level: Enhancing our leadership competencies and understanding and maximizing our communication style (required for anyone attending the MMCA for the first time)
July 21 from 9 – 11:30 & July 22 from 9 – 11 (4.5 total hours)

2nd Year: Maximizing our potential: Understanding our values and our leadership strengths (required for anyone attending the MMCA for the second time)
August 4 from 9 – 11:30 & August 5 from 9 – 11 (4.5 total hours)

Advanced: The Power of Presence (required for anyone attending the MMCA for three or more times)
August 25 from 9 – 11:30 & August 26 from 9 – 11 (4.5 total hours)

Sessions designated for the full learning community
Attendance by all participants is required for these four sessions.

• Conducting Successful Meetings in a Virtual and Hybrid World (Management)
September 8 from 9 – 11:30 & September 9 from 9 – 11 (4.5 total hours)

• Media Relations and the Clerk: Knowing What to Say, When and How to Say It (Professional)
September 22 from 9 – 11 & September 23 from 9 – 11 (4 total hours)

• Diversity Uncovered: A Look at Implicit and Explicit Biases (Leadership)
October 13 from 9 – 12 (3 total hours)

• Final Academy Wrap-up & Community Session
October 20 from 9 – 11 (2 total hours)

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  • University extension credits are available through UC Riverside.
  • The Academy is approved by IIMC for 18 MMC/CMC educational hours or 9 MMC/CMC points.
  • The curriculum is subject to change.
  • There is a 3% fee charged for every credit card transaction, which is not refundable.
  • Seats will be given on a first registered, first paid basis.
  • You will receive a session access link and other information for each session approximately one week prior to the session. You are responsible for completing any required session pre-work.